Welcome! Meet Chiamago...
I’m Chiamago the storyteller! I also go by the name, Amagojessy. You either find me here writing sweet stories for your merriment, or teaching interested people the right way to blog and make money. I also guide new writers on the right steps to start Amazon Kindle Publishing. When I’m not here, then find me in my freelancing world where I write stories, write articles for blogs, design websites, fix SEO issues and WordPress issues & more. Feel free to get in touch with me to work on your project.
ABOUT MY BLOG! I have this belief that money stops nonsense, or don’t you? Because of this, I created three blog goals here. Number one is to ameliorate & normalize your blood pressure by telling you sweet stories. Number two is to teach you the right way to blog and make money from the basics as a beginner to the complex but in a more simplified procedure. Number three is to teach you another way to make money via Amazon KDP with many other ways of making money online. With money in your pocket, your blood pressure returns to normal & depression disappears without a trace. Let’s go now!

self help books & novels

The Unforgettable Family Murder
The long awaited thirty-eight years anniversary celebration turned sour after the celebrants were murdered in a cold blood alongside other family members a night before the celebration. Leaving behind a son, Harry and a daughter, Charlotte.
This incident alone had depleted Harry’s emotional and physical strength. He managed to put himself together as he suffered the pains of losing a dad, mom, identical twin brother, a lovely and newly married wife, unborn twin babies, and the family gateman at the same time.
But he had swore to find justice for all the victims regardless of what it’s going to cost him.
Harry invited his colleague doctor friend who was a forensic science expert for accurate DNA tracking. He invited the forensic expert on the quest to not compromise the justice he had wanted for the victims.
But something happened which got him shocked and weakened…..
“We found DNA of thousands of people from the samples we collected at the murder scene, it seemed their killers generated and used a spray can that was filled with different DNA from thousands of people, hence difficult to pick the right DNA that will be proved beyond doubt in the court of law”
This news came as a surprise to him from the expert, but it never deterred his courage and determination for justice. “I must find justice for my people, come rain, come sun,” he said as he take another different move in search for justice. Let’s see how he will make it work!

Nothing But Justice
This is the second series or continuation of the murder mystery novel titled, The Unforgettable Family Murder. Order your copy by clicking on the link below.

Starting a blog for beginners
This is the book that will teach you the top blogging success secrets bloggers won’t tell you. The complete blogging book covers everything you need to get started on blogging and SEO. You will learn legal ways to make money on a new blog even without backlinks. Why waiting? Grab your copy now!

That sweetest love journey i never want to embark on
Have you ever wondered how the world would be without love, relationships, commitments and marriage? How would you feel when your love gets trickishly diverted to a planet counting when your ability to count was limited to that of a digit? Do you still doubt the possibility of a known sex therapist who ended up as a virgin? Stop doubting please. Find answers to all these questions right in Prisca’s love journey because Prisca is going to be extorting happiness from the planet of hate and decisions. Grab your book copy now!

Overcoming Life's Challenges
Having passed through and conquered many life challenges, I decided to write this book to help others who are going through different life challenges. You can buy it for yourself or gift it to your loved ones. Remember, depression kills more than a gunshot. Grab your copy now!

How to Self Publish a Book
You are missing out a lot if you haven’t gotten this self-help book. The easiest step-by-step guide to successful Kindle publishing. Grab your book copy now!

Jenny’s Marriage Story is a short marriage story that was written to awaken your spirit, on every possible thing related to marriage. It covers what happens when the going is good and when it suddenly or gradually turns sour. Grab your book copy now!
Get In Touch
If you purchase any of my self-help books for online earnings. It simply means you have gotten easy access to contact me. Kindly reach out to me with your purchase details and questions, I will render zero-cost help to put you on the right lane. Remember, I promised a free blog configuration, free CMS installation and one free SEO-optimized blog post regardless of your blog niche. The free blog post which I will write for you must rank on the Google search engine to generate free blog traffic on your blog. You only need to purchase my blogging guide and host your blog via my recommended hosting provider using my link at no extra cost to you. Same as other self-help books you buy from me.
Also, get in touch with me to work on your story or book writing project, website design project, SEO & WordPress project, Google indexing project and more! We either get connected here or make it happen on Fiverr. Why waiting? Let’s get connected now!